Update 2 for the Weekly contact Update - Please Read

Update 2
We hope that you are all still keeping safe and staying in wiht your families. Each week the teachers have been sending you your work and some topic activities to do at home. We would love to see your writing each week , thank you to everyone that has sent in photos or scans of thier English wiriting to their class teacher. If you havent yet done this please do this , this week.
It has been lovely and sunny this weekend for the VE day celebrations and whilst I know that these havent been able to be as big as we were planning , I still hope you managed to have some fun. If you have any photos of your VE Celebrations please do sent them in to us at the Office@march.w-sussex.sch.uk
We hope that we will be able to see you all soon but as always the priority is keep you and all the March Community safe during this time.
Mrs Metcalfe x
Update 1
We would love to see what you have been up to during the "lock down" whether that is doing your weekly home schooling activities ,  Joe Wicks fitness, Mr Motivator fitness, alongside any arts , crafts, topic work, cooking , gardening, singing and dancing etc...

Please do keep connected with us by sending us photos of what you have been up to via the school office email office@march.w-sussex.sch.uk.  We would love to share these on our website for you all to see.

I know that the teachers would especially like to see some of your work and writing so that they can send you some feedback . Their emails are on the weekly home schooling updates.

We miss you all lots , it's very quiet in the school without you!
We would like all the children to send one piece of writing to the teachers each week via email . The teachers will read your wonderful work and provide feedback on how to make this even better.
We look forward to seeing it all
Mrs M