
Welcome to the Governors pages.

How to contact the Governing Body


You can contact us by email or by writing c/o the school office.

The March CE Primary, Claypit Lane, Westhampnett, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 0NU


The Local Governing Body

The March being part of Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust is governed by the Trust Board and by a Local Governing Body, which is legally a Committee of the Trust Board, and only responsible for decisions delegated to it by the Board under their Scheme of Delegation. Appointments to the new Local Governing Body have been confirmed by the Trust Board as follows:


Governor Type



Term From

Term To



Stephen Bennett

Chair of Governors

Foundation Governor



25 Feb 2021

24 Feb 2025

Development and Training Governor

Governor for Allegations against the Headteacher

Health and Safety / Annual Site Survey

Pupil Premium/SEND/LAC/EAL




Jackie Chandler

Community Governor



31 Mar 2023

30 Mar 2027

Pupil Welfare/Equality and Diversity/Mental Health



Patricia Dickie

Parent Governor



01 Dec 2021

30 Nov 2025

Attendance and Behaviour



Rev. Rachel Hawes

Foundation Governor



21 Jun 2022

20 Jun 2026



Justine Howard

Vice Chair of Governors 

Foundation Governor



30 Nov 2021

29 Nov 2025

Safeguarding Governor





Lorna Jones

 Staff Governor



21 Apr 2023

20 Apr 2027



Nicola Metcalfe 

 Head Teacher        


John Proctor


Foundation Governor   DCAT  30 Nov 2021  29 Nov 2025
Online Safety and Filtering and Monitoring

Mrs Annamarie Park

Clerk to Governors 

















Clerk to the Governors

Mrs A Park who can be contacted at


In addition to the above members, Mr. Beruk Berhane, Senior Education Leader (DCAT)​​ and other officers from  the Academy Trust, may attend meetings. 


The Roles and Responsibilities of the Governing Body

The three main functions of the governing body include:

1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the academy;

2. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the academy and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;

3. Overseeing the financial performance of the academy and making sure its money is well spent.

With all of the three items above, the role of the Governing Body is to constructively challenge the senior leadership of the academy (that is, to be a "critical friend"). The Governing Body is not meant to get involved in the day-to-day running of the academy.​


What does the Governing Body actually do?


The Governing Body meets monthly for a full meeting.  Standard items that are discussed at these meetings include: data on how the children as a whole are progressing, academy finance, academy policy updates, safeguarding and SIAMS (the Statutory Inspection of Anglican schools).  A termly headteacher's report is also circulated, which updates governors on various matters to do with the academy. 

Once a year, the Governing Body scrutinises the academy's Self-Evaluation Form (which is the academy's evaluation of how it is doing against previous judgements made by OFSTED), and also the School Development Plan, which is the yearly action plan that follows on from the Self-Evaluation Form.

As well as these meetings, governors regularly visit the academy to focus on a particular element of academy life.  For instance, recent visits focused on school improvement, and looked at the role of both subject leads and class teachers in the detailed and comprehensive planning that takes place for every lesson.  A write-up of these visits are then circulated to other governors, so that the Governing Body can build up a collective picture of the academy.

The lead governor for safeguarding meets termly with senior leaders and SENCO to ensure that the academy is up keeping its safeguarding responsibilities.  Likewise, the lead governor for Health and Safety meets with the business manager and site caretaker to conduct a termly health and safety walk.



Useful Links
You can compare schools results here
You can complete the Ofsted parent view questionaire here
Minutes of the Governing body are available  on the school website for this academic year